2nd Annual CEAACC "Book Corner" competition integrating art, storytelling and creative media.
⭐️✨An exciting opportunity for children, young people, and adults to capture their dreams through art, creative mixed media, poetry, song, writing...
⭐️✨Categories include: Key Stage 1; Key Stage 2; Secondary; Young Adult; Adults.
⭐️✨All submissions to fit on an A4 piece of paper, and to be submitted via mail to:
Cambridgeshire Expressive Arts and Counselling Centre C.I.C
Walsingham Chambers, Butcher's Row
Please provide contact details with your submission.
Please provide a Stamped Addressed Envelope with submission for return of work.
Or email Stephen Port-Burke (Administrator): StephenCEAACC@mail.com
Please provide contact details with your submission.
Please contact Stephen Port-Burke with any questions.
🎶Re. Music/ song submissions- please email us for submission information✨
⭐️✨All children and young people under 18 must have consent from their parents, and provide a parent name and contact information in their submission.
⭐️✨Deadline for submissions is 1st March 2021 ✨
⭐️✨CEAACC will judge submissions✨
⭐️✨Winners announced 15th March 2021✨
⭐️✨Amazing prizes to be won including dream catcher, journal, pens & gift voucher ✨
⭐️✨Certificates to be awarded to all winners ✨
⭐️✨Winners to be announced on our blog and social media ✨
Please note, all submissions will be reviewed before judging by CEAACC Leadership. Inappropriate content will not be progressed in the competition.
We look forward to hearing from you!
- The CEAACC Team