Colours are part of everything... including us! In Part #3 of Summer 2018 Art CONNECTS, we explore new ways of connecting and understanding yourself through colour.

Arts, creativity, and imagination increase self-discovery. Self-discovery increases our wellbeing. The more we understand ourselves, the more we identify, respond, and manage our needs. ART CONNECTS is an expressive art resource for children, young people, and adults. Activities are starting points: platforms for individual creativity, exploration, journey and discovery...
In the second issue of Summer 2018 Art CONNECTS, we explored what "home" means. Home can be a colour, experience, feeling, memory, place, sound... or something in our imaginations. Home is different and unique for us all. Through creativity, hopefully you discovered more insights and connections into what "home" is for you/ your children/ family.
This issue is all about understanding ourselves through colour. Colour is a multi-dimensional theme, however the ideas in Art CONNECTS are general art activities and suggestions to increase healthy self-expression and wellbeing. Adults should review them for suitability before working with children.
"Our self is our bowl, imagination our spoon, but our art has no recipe" - CEAACC

"My Colours"
Getting Started
If you're an adult working with a child, start by brainstorming colours, ideas and words that connect with you as an individual.
Some warm-up ideas:
1) From head to toes (or toes to head) write down the colours you see and think of when you describe yourself e.g.
My hair is __(insert appropriate hair colour)__, it reminds me of __(you decide!)__.
"My hair is brown, it reminds me of nutella!"
My skin is __(insert appropriate skin colour)__ it reminds me of __(you decide)__.
"My skin is tan, it reminds me of summer holidays!"
My eyes are __(insert appropriate eye colour)__, they remind me of __(you decide)__.
My eyes are grey-blue, they remind me of the sea."
My mouth is__(insert appropriate colour)__, and reminds me of__(you decide)__
My heart is...
My hands are...
My feet are...
Add as many details as you want...
How about your personality... what colours match your characteristics?
As individuals, we are made up of outside and inside colours...

Write a list or create a colour palette of all the colours...
2) See if you can find objects (maybe around your home or outdoors in nature) that reflect the colours you have found in yourself.
Mixing and blending chalks with salt can be a great way to make colours and create further connections with colours in you!
Colours can then be layered like in the jar above; each colour represents a colour that is part of you!
Colours can also be mixed to create images and patterns- follow your imagination!
3) Flowers, leaves, shells and other nature objects are also great materials to find and create with!

What colours do you connect with and why? Be creative and have fun making with nature!

4) Coloured scarves and musical instruments can also be great ways to express what colours you connect with! Moving with colour and sound can also increase our self-awareness around feelings, mood, thoughts.... and help us to learn more about ourselves.
Using movement and sound can be structured like telling a story, or spontaneous and unplanned! Have fun, and enjoy trying new ways of expressing yourself!

"My Colours"
In the first two issues of Summer 2018 Art CONNECTS,activities have encouraged multi-media and surface working. As you gain confidence working creatively, think about using different materials, and even working 3-dimensional or including sound. Remember art has no recipe!
Here's some suggestions:
- chalks, pastels, pencils, pens
- clay, model magic, plasticine, play dough.
- natural objects (e.g. feathers, petals, sticks, stones) sand (or sand tray)
- junk modelling (e.g. lids, tubes, yoghurt pots)
- Paper, canvas, natural surfaces
- Photography
- Electronic media
- Musical instruments, sounds
- Movement, dance.
Feel free to mix media and explore how first-artworks can lead on to extended explorations and creations!

"These are my Colours. This is Me."
Now that you have started to explore what and how colours are part of you (inside and out), think about how you can create an artwork that brings your discoveries and insights together.
Your artwork can be concrete or abstract. When working with young children it may be helpful to use the outline of a person as a starting point, or find ways of using colour within different boundaries.
Your artwork can be minimal, or detailed and multi-dimensional.
Your artwork can be based on self-portrait, landscape, imagination or pure abstract forms. There is no right or wrong to the creative process.
Think about some of the discoveries and thoughts you had in "getting started"- how do these connect with your art process? Can you include these details in your creative process?
What meanings to the colours have? How do they connect with other experiences, things, memories?
Have fun and explore the materials in your art!
Is there anything unplanned that becomes part of your art... perhaps a colour, shape, spill or texture?
When you think you have finished, step back again and reflect on what you see and feel. You can add or change your art.... the process is yours!
Can you write a sentence, poem or story that goes with your artwork?

What else does your artwork tell you about your colours?

If possible, talk about the process and your artwork. It may be helpful to write or journal about the experience.

What have you learned about yourself through this art process and experience?
Have you learned anything about someone else?
Understanding Self = Understanding Wellbeing

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